
Reawaken the Faith


Introducing “Guadalupe Stories”

Introducing “Guadalupe Stories”

God’s blessings to you!

We are excited to announce our first of several new content categories here at Guadalupe Missions!

Our Lady has invited us to share what we’ve learned and continue to learn as we grow in our relationship with Our Lady of Guadalupe through ongoing prayer & study.

However, we want to also encourage this growing community to be able to interact with and bolster each other up through their personal experiences and witness.

To that end, as the first of a number of upcoming content categories we are including in the upcoming days and weeks, we would like to extend an invitation to YOU.

Firstly, please check out the new section on the homepage entitled “Guadalupe Stories”.

Secondly, we would like to invite YOU personally to share YOUR experience with us for future posts! Whether you’ve been to Mexico City on pilgrimage, have attended a retreat of ours, or just have something about how Our Lady of Guadalupe has positively impacted your prayer life/life in general, we want to hear from YOU, if you would like to share your witness with the rest of the community on the site as well as social media.

If you would like to do so, consider a response to the following questions as a template if you would like some guidance:

  • How has Our Lady of Guadalupe affected your prayer life?
  • How has this affected your relationship with Mary and ultimately Jesus?
  • How is your life different or improved as a result of this experience? i.e.: Family, workplace, school/university, new charitable works, or people you wouldn’t normally have reached out to?

Responses can be as short as a sentence and can be as long as you wish! Note that we do reserve the right to do some editing where necessary (spelling, grammar, condensing it if you send us a ten page treatise 🙂 …etc.)

You can submit yours today by emailing it to guadalupemissions@hopeofthepoor.org with the subject line “Guadalupe Stories”.

Please include your full name and a picture so that we can make your story come alive to the rest of the community!

We look forward to hearing from you & helping you to share your unique story on our platforms!

Thank you and May Our Lady wrap you in her loving mantle of strength, protection and comfort now and always!

God bless,

Your Friends at Guadalupe Missions

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Guadalupe Missions is a non-profit that provides talks, retreats and mission-pilgrimages throughout the U.S. and in Mexico City.

Our missionary work is inspired by the Beatitudes as well as the example and guidance of Our Lady, serving the poorest and most neglected individuals and communities.

Guadalupe Missions’ purpose is to evangelize by sharing the love of Christ through the gift of His mother Mary – meeting both worldly & spiritual needs.

In our talks and retreats we unpack the treasury of symbolism and depth seen in the image itself as well as the rich historical, scientific, and theological significance of a miraculous image that resulted in the largest conversion in recorded history.

We welcome you to respond to Our Lady’s generous and heartfelt invitation to greater intimacy with her Son, Jesus Christ.

We hope that you find the resources on this site (designed by missionaries – not web designers!) useful on your journey to Christ.

Know of our prayers!