
Encounter Jesus Under the Mantle of Our Lady


Guadalupedia: Secret Swap

Guadalupedia: Secret Swap

Did you know that during the Christero Wars 1926-1929 the Image of Our Lady was secretly removed for safekeeping in a plan devised by the priest in charge of the basilica?

A replica was painted and installed at the basilica while the original image from 1531 was clandestinely smuggled at night from the basilica into the home of a pious family for safekeeping. She would remain there for the remainder of the Christero War of Catholic persecution.

She was returned to the old basilica a few years later and remained there until she was moved to the new basilica where the original remains today.

Guadalupe Missions is a non-profit that provides talks, retreats and mission-pilgrimages throughout the U.S. and in Mexico City.

Our missionary work is inspired by the Beatitudes as well as the example and guidance of Our Lady, serving the poorest and most neglected individuals and communities.

Guadalupe Missions’ purpose is to evangelize by sharing the love of Christ through the gift of His mother Mary – meeting both worldly & spiritual needs.

In our talks and retreats we unpack the treasury of symbolism and depth seen in the image itself as well as the rich historical, scientific, and theological significance of a miraculous image that resulted in the largest conversion in recorded history.

We welcome you to respond to Our Lady’s generous and heartfelt invitation to greater intimacy with her Son, Jesus Christ.

We hope that you find the resources on this site (designed by missionaries – not web designers!) useful on your journey to Christ.

Know of our prayers!

Fr. Zach
April 24, 2024
Fr. Bill
April 18, 2024