
Reawaken the Faith



Did you know that the original image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is iridescent? So despite the fact that photographs and copies …

Guadalupedia Post The Aztec Empire sacrificed hundreds of thousands in their religious rites prior to the defeat of the empire by the …

“Guadalupedia” Post: Pronounced “teel-mah”. A single rectangular garment worn by Aztec men with a wide variety of uses including carrying food and …

“Guadalupedia” Did you know that the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe contains no brush strokes? In 1979 two scientists from the …

Guadalupedia: Did you know that the original image of Our Lady of Guadalupe maintains a tested and consistent temperature of 98.6°F despite …

Pronounced “Mah-geh”. An agave plant related to the aloe plant, native to Mexico and parts of the American Southwest and Texas. The …

Did you know that by 1541 over 9 million people converted and were baptized Catholics from the time of the apparitions of …

The Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe receives more than 15 million visitors every year.

St. Juan Diego was already 57 years old at the time of the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe. So if you …

There are 46 stars on Our Lady’s Veil. Stay tuned to learn more about their significance.

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